
Does your pet constantly lick, chew, bite, scratch or shake his head? Is there a bit of dandruff or hair loss? Has the color of their coat changed? Texture? Is there an odor coming from the pet's skin or ears?

Dr. James treats skin diseases associated with bacterial infections, fungal infection, parasitic skin diseases, viral conditions, hypersensitivities, autoimmune/immune mediated skin diseases, endocrine diseases, alopecia, and genetic skin disorders. These conditions often affect the skin, the nails and ears.

Services include:

Cat skin scrape

Skin Scrapes

Cat skin biopsy

Skin Cultures

Dog skin irritation

Skin and Ear Cytologies

Pet operation laser

CO2 Laser Surgery

Dog ear exam

Video Otoscopy

Dog ear cleaning

Deep Ear Cleanings

Allergy testing

Intradermal Allergy Testing

Cat skin scrape

Blood Allergy Testing

Conditions we treat are:

Cat skin scrape

Food Allergies

Cat skin scrape

Environmental Allergies

Dog skin disease

Auto-Immune Conditions

Cat injection

Hormonal/Endocrine Conditions

Cat ear infection

Chronic Ear Infections

dog skin mass

Skin and Ear Masses

Cat licking paw

Paw and Claw Diseases